That was my idea!

David from 37signals posted a blog entry about people who have succeeded with ideas you may have thought of a while ago.

He's right about it all of course - an idea by itself it worth nothing.  If you do nothing with it, then you have nobody to blame but yourself if someone else makes a whole lot of money from a similar idea.

Of course this doesn't necessarily stop the nagging feeling that it could have been you with all that income...

My big idea that I did nothing with?  I think it was around 1998 when I thought it would be useful to have a real estate website to which rental agencies could submit available properties complete with photos and searchable descriptions.  Seriously.  Oh well.

Damian Brady

I'm an Australian developer, speaker, and author specialising in DevOps, MLOps, developer process, and software architecture. I love Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, and reducing process waste.
