Write for Yourself
So I haven't written a post in a while, but no, that's not the reason for the title. I've just »
So I haven't written a post in a while, but no, that's not the reason for the title. I've just »
So I discovered that Google Streetview is now available in Australia. For example, here's the Queen Street Mall [http://maps.google.com.au/maps? »
On several occasions recently I've had to work with data in legacy applications . It's never fun, and it got me thinking about »
In a previous post [http://blog.damianbrady.com.au/2008/04/16/captcha-is-dead-long-live-paptcha/], I talked about the limitations with CAPTCHA systems and proposed a partially-automated turing »
I just read a fantastic article by John Miano called, "The Myth of the Interchangeable Programmer: Can't We Just Offshore Him? [http://itmanagement. »